How to plan your routine like a dancer?

Jan 30, 2024
For years I planned my days, weeks, month in advance when it was about training. Since that I found it hard to make myself a similar routine to my daily life. In this essay, I am going through the questions that I needed to answer back then to achieve my goals.
I was sitting in a room with my dance fellows and we were all eager to hear our teacher, how can we become champions. At least that was the name of the lecture in the summer camp. For context, we were all competitive dancers.
The teacher began. ”Where do you want to be in 6 months?” - I thought about what competition may be in that period, I wanted to win at least one of them.
“Write it down, and also I will write it down for you, too.” - said, while she got pen and paper.
She asked everyone about their 6 months, 12 months, 3 year and 5 year challenges.
I remember that my 5 year challenge was to get to class B, which was unprecedented at our club at the time. It was linearly predictable to get there based on my previous level ups.
Years later when I was in class B my teacher gave me this paper, which she wrote at the time. It was more than hearth-warming.
Why I am telling all this? I think this is the main underlying mechanism which I miss. I am afraid to set these goals right now, knowing all the other possibilities that can happen.
<How i started to plan my days because of this ambition
< pic of my calendar, normal and wild 😀
< how can I restart to plan my days, and why should i do that
< How to act when things fail
< How not to get overwhelmed with a schedule

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